Buffalo State

The extension of the Downtown Library C-SAAHN ‘IMAGINE’ Noon-Hour Series continues on the Third Thursday – February 21, March 21, and April 18 – at Buffalo State College, Rockwell Hall:“IMAGINE a Healthy & Wealthy Buffalo Niagara Region: Celebrating ‘The Year of the City” @ Buffalo State College”)


2012 – 2013 C-SAAHN ‘IMAGINE’ Theme at Buffalo State College
Third Thursday Noon-Hour Lecture/Discussion Series:


THIRD THURSDAY – IMAGINE a Healthy & Wealthy Buffalo Niagara Region: Celebrating ‘The Year of The City’ @ Buffalo State College


September 20 

Gary Welborn, Associate Professor & Chair of the Sociology Dept.
“Buffalo State’s West Side Initiative – What is it and where did it come from?”   AUDIO

October 18

 Bruce Fisher, Director, Center for Economic and Policy Studies, Buffalo State College
“Buffalo, NY & Hamilton, ON: Portraits in Rust & Recovery

November 8** 

Dr. Pamela Brown, Buffalo Public Schools Superintendent (**2nd Thursday)
“Buffalo Public Schools: A World-Class Education for Every Child” AUDIO

February 21    

February 21

Dr. Joelle LeClaire, Economics and Finance, “Households in Peril: Debt after the Financial Crisis” – Butler 210

March 21        

Dr. Jevon Hunter, Elementary Education and Reading, “Situating Community Relevant Learning: Towards the Development of a Pedagogy of Urban Promise”  Cleveland 418

April 18           

Dr. James Sobol, Criminal Justice, “Reducing Gun Violence: The Rhetoric and Reality of a Gun Buyback Program” – Butler 210

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